Academic Support

The Literacy Programme supports the advancement of literacy levels among pre-school and primary school students. It includes the Foundation Phase for grades R-3 and the Intermediate Phase for grades 4-7. The programme runs in four different school centers from 15h30 to 17h00 every week Monday through Thursday after school. These programmes aim to develop a culture and love for reading by:

  • Supplementing the National English curriculum in a fun and interactive ways to strengthen the English writing, reading, and speaking skills.
  • Running weekly reading clubs at the after-school centers. Inviting guest readers to read to our learners and to engage them in conversations surrounding the monthly theme.
  • Arranging educational outings.
  • Running a morning literacy programme that supports English teachers in the classroom.
  • Training our facilitators to utilize word games, writing exercises, role play, and paired and shared reading to encourage practical use of the English language.

To volunteer as guest a reader please contact:

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